• Old Firehouse Books – The Cutest Bookstore in Fort Collins

    Old Firehouse Books – The Cutest Bookstore in Fort Collins

    There’s something very satisfying about seeing a bookstore that looks exactly as a bookstore should. Real estate offices, digital marketing companies, and insurance firms have infested city centers of small towns across the country. Important businesses of course, but I question how many window shoppers see it fit to pop into these places to see…

  • Sullivan Gulch Trail: A Quick Hidden Gem in Northern Colorado

    Sullivan Gulch Trail: A Quick Hidden Gem in Northern Colorado

    For someone that travels a lot, local hikes can be a funny thing. I find myself making unfair comparisons about the outdoor offerings nearby. “This waterfall isn’t as pretty as the one in Yellowstone.” Well of course not, that’s I you drove 2,000 miles to experience it with 10,000 of my closest friends. I’ve been…

  • Red Fox Meadows- Fort Collins’ Hidden Oasis

    Red Fox Meadows- Fort Collins’ Hidden Oasis

    Everyone who considers themselves the least bit outdoorsy has a special spot. Not necessarily a favorite spot or a spot that was on your bucket list or anything that dramatic. Rather, a spot that’s a “go-to.” A spot that you crave when the rain sets in. Picking this spot can be difficult and more often…

  • Rocky Mountain National Park – Not a hidden gem

    Rocky Mountain National Park – Not a hidden gem

    Why Should You Go To Rocky Mountain National Park? Rocky Mountain National Park always makes me think of California Pizza Kitchen. Let me explain. I’ve mentioned before that I have a strange habit of not taking advantage of the beauty within a reasonable driving distance from where I live. I guess it’s an attitude that’s…

  • CATAMOUNT RESERVOIR – Big Mountain, Big Lake, Bigfoot

    CATAMOUNT RESERVOIR – Big Mountain, Big Lake, Bigfoot

    The best hikes are the ones that surprise you. These surprises can take many different forms but any kind of pleasant surprise can be something that takes a hike from good to great. I do specify a pleasant surprise. Hearing a rustling followed by rattling and looking down to see you’re within striking distance of…

  • HOLIDAY TWIN DRIVE-IN – Fort Collins, Colorado

    HOLIDAY TWIN DRIVE-IN – Fort Collins, Colorado

    I challenge anyone to find a more nostalgic pastime than attending a drive-in movie. I would guess that most people have never been to a drive-in movie at all. Those who have attended likely did so only once as a sort of novelty. This is a shame. Especially given the seemingly never-ending discourse regarding just…